UPA (Utanian Press Agency)
Release: June 12th, 301 AP.

Utania's ethnicity described in new report

A new report released by Bureau of Census has revealled that while 11 million
non-Utani live in Utania, almost 10 million are Uta-Decashi, people born in
Utania and able to claim as much loyalty to the country.

The third report from the January Utanian Census describes Utania's ethnic
makeup. It officially accepts the definition of "Uta-Decashi", at last, as
someone born in Utania, but not of Utani blood. It also states that of the
11 million non-Utani, only 446,491 people were born outside Utania, the
remaining number eligible for Uta-Decashi status, and an Utanian passport.

However, not all non-Utani wish to exclusively have Utanian citizenship,
183,000 choosing to apply for passports of their ethnic origins. The vast
majority of the Ulano-Gronkian/Guwimithians who felt this way departed Utania
last year by the hundreds of thousands, but a significant number of ethnic-
Liliani and Chakrazipangi have remained and declined Utanian citizenship,
however, it is across all ethnicities.

It is the first time an official document has used the phrase "Uta-Decashi",
meaning literally "tenth tribe". (While "Uta" is an adjective of Utani, and
"Decashi" is "final in a series of ten", combined it really can only refer to a
tenth tribe. The word "Utanonshi" means literally "the nine Utani tribes".)
This Utani phrase is a relatively new way to describe non-Utani. Utani had
always used the phrase "Esreni", meaning "foreigner". Originally used in the
late second century, "Uta-Decashi" was meant as an insult: "everybody knows
there is only nine tribes of Utani, so these tenth-tribe people think they
belong here, but they don't" says Professor Philip Ayama of the Luka University
Department of Utani Language and Culture.

"It is equivalent to saying the thirteenth tribe of the Juden people. It makes
no sense. To Utani it was an insult to call someone who was Utani a 'tenth-
triber'." Slowly, says Professor Ayama, the phrase came to mean the descendants
of settlers, those who had come to call Utania their home. Though, he cautions,
it was never applied to the Guwimithian overlords - they would never be

So, census writers took the literal meaning and applied it to all non-Utani who
were born in Utania and call it their homeland. A perhaps surprising 98.3%
claimed they considered Utania their home, of a possible 10.6 million non-Utani
born here. Uta-Decashi were then asked to specify as best they could their
ethnic background. Slightly over half the respondents said they could not - too
much mixing between ethnicities to clearly separate.

Controversy will undoubtedly arise over the 436,129 people who claim ethnic-
Guwimithian heritage who have been provided "Uta-Decashi" status according to
the census. Though born in Utania, and refusing to join the over-600,000 who
fled last year, Utani nationalists claim this group cannot claim "Uta-Decashi"

"They should be ejected from the country", said one Utani nationalist leader.
"They are from the island of oppressors and should be tried", declared another.
The government has not declared an official policy on the matter, but the
President and Prime Minister were certainly provided with pre-publication
copies for their review, and clearly accepted the Census Bureau's delineation.

This third report also makes know what most have suspected for years: that the
majority of Uta-Decashi are from a handful of backgrounds, most significantly
Ingallish. Of 5.1 million citizens born in Utania that could answer the
following question: "If you were born in Utania, state your major ethnic
background. If you cannot, tick 'unknown'." 32% responded that they were of
Ingallish heritage. 15% said Liliani, 9% Guwimithian, 9% Armatirian, 8% Ulano-
Gronkian, 6% Westrian, 5.4% Pentian, 4.5% Zartanian, and 3% Chakrazipangi.

Professor Walter Kemble of the Luka University Department of History says that
this reflects the "types of people that the Guwimithians trusted to manage
their farms, their factories and to keep the dependency peoples in line". He
adds that it was also because of "supply".

"The Ingallish were spreading or had spread around the globe, and were
successful. Guwimithians initially invited only their allies, the Gronkians, to
manage, but found the Ingallish were too numerous to refuse, and were good
managers. Christiana, for such a small nation, dominated much of the globe",
said Professor Kemble. "Liliani, of course, also spread far and wide, and were
also banging on the door of opportunity that was the Guwimithian Dependencies."

5.3 million Uta-Decashi said their roots were entangled in history and could
not state a single ethnic tie. It is these that the Utani nationalists are most
pleased with. "They share our country, and we will welcome them as brothers, if
they forget their past and join us in our mutual future."

People quoted in this article were:
Professor Walter Kemble of the Luka University Department of History.
Professor Philip Ayama of the Luka University Department of Utani Language and Culture.

©UPA, 301 AP.

©Mike Ham, 2001. All rights reserved. No reproduction without, at least, tacit approval. ;-)